An Emmanuel Story: Carol’s Faithful Journey
Carol Duncan grew up in New Jersey, the daughter of a German immigrant. In 1961 she married Jim and subsequently gave birth to two boys and a girl. In 1992, when their children were grown, Carol and Jim moved to Naples and began a search for a church home. In 1993, they happened upon Emmanuel and decided to get involved because the church was friendly and welcoming. Jim became an usher and served on Church Council. Carol joined a WELCA Circle and loved being part of the Emmanuel community.
During their first decade in Naples, both Carol and Jim were diagnosed with and treated for cancer. In 2004, they both were doing well when tragedy struck their family. Their son, Bill, was shot in the head by a customer who refused to pay for a delivery. Bill underwent surgery for his critical injury at Naples Community Hospital. The whole family went to the hospital and Pastor Steve stayed with them all night as they waited to hear if Bill would recover.
Carol believes that the almost unbearable stress of their son’s near-death accident caused Jim’s cancer to return in June 2004. In September, the couple moved to Weston to be near their other son while Jim was in hospice. Jim’s memorial service was held at Emmanuel and Carol returned to live in Naples to help Bill’s wife and daughter. Bill spent nine months in rehab in the middle of the state and Carol was able to help her son’s family stay connected.
Emmanuel stepped up to provide more assistance to the family. Jim Cooper and the church youth started a fund and Pastor Frank initiated a church-wide fund raiser. With this help Bill’s house was renovated to accommodate his wheelchair. A special, generous couple from church donated a van to transport Bill. To this day Carol gives thanks for all this help as well as for the love, friendship, and support of Bill’s Stephen Minister and Carol’s Stephen Minister.
Through this long ordeal Carol has prayed for peace and turns often to her faithful, loving God for solace. She has long been active in Dorcas Circle, beading to help support the village of Hope in Haiti, Mah Jong, and Women to Women. She hopes that Emmanuel will soon return to more fellowship and church activities.