Serve and Volunteer
Our Mission:
Our purpose is to gather together to help enhance our worship services. When we gather for worship, we are all ministers, assembled to pray, sing, praise, celebrate communion and be sent forth in mission.
We welcome volunteers for each of the following areas of needed support:
Lights the candles before worship (usually as part of the Procession), and extinguishes them at the end of the service. Also gives and receives the offering plates from the Ushers before and after the offertory.
Kathleen Osborn Gerdes, Director of Worship and Music
Prepares the altar and the sacraments, in accordance with the Church Calendar Year. This entails setting up for Communion and putting away the elements afterwards.
Kathleen Osborn Gerdes, Director of Worship and Music
Assists in worship by working with the pastor(s) to prepare the table and in distribution of Holy Communion. Also participates in worship service by leading prayers and various parts of the liturgy.
Kathleen Osborn Gerdes, Director of Worship and Music
Welcomes everyone who enters the sanctuary, encouraging them to visit the Welcome Table and answers any questions they may have about the service.
Kathleen Osborn Gerdes, Director of Worship and Music
Hospitality is a celebrated Christian virtue. The first impression most people have of our Church, and maybe the Christian faith itself, is formed by how they are cared for and welcomed by those they meet. The role of our Hospitality volunteers includes different aspects of set up and break down of the coffee and sweets table, baking goods to share on Sundays, refilling the coffee, and small but significant demonstrations of care for all the Church’s attendees.
Your contributions to this rewarding ministry enhance the hospitality ministry at Emmanuel! We look forward to welcoming you to our hospitality team, and appreciate your gifts of time, talent and treasure. We will work with your schedule so it is convenient for you.
Julie A. Basile, MS
239 261 0894 x 307“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2
Item descriptionReads the Scripture(s) assigned for any given Sunday, usually an Old Testament and New Testament Reading.
Kathleen Osborn Gerdes, Director of Worship and Music
Greets and assists people who attend services, helping them with worship programs and finding seating for them, as well directing them during Holy Communion. Assists with any special seating or hearing needs.
Kathleen Osborn Gerdes, Director of Worship and Music
Extend a warm welcome to all visitors and guests who come to join us. Join the team to help grow our Church!
Gina Fidler, Business Office Manager/ Executive Assistant
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10