Serving Others
Serving Others Ministry
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
About Us
Serving Others Ministry understands that followers of Christ are to “share God’s love through action.” The Serving Others Team has partnered with six local faith-based providers of needs and services in our area and in the world.
We pursue this objective primarily, but not exclusively in Collier County, with a focus on providing for those needing food, shelter, medical care, and life skills. The team also supports the ELCA World Hunger Appeal.
Our team works toward this “outreach by action” through community fund-raising activities and the solicitation of funds from the Emmanuel community. To maintain focus, a limited number of faith-based local agencies are carefully selected for support. The charitable organizations are monitored to assure that funds are put to good use.
Our team also looks for and assists in hands-on service activities in support of these local agencies.
To find out how you can help, please contact Jan Gazdic, Team Leader.