Fling Wide The Door
Embracing All In Christ
We combined our larger long term capital campaign efforts with our short-term annual ministry funding plan in 2023 through a single campaign we named “Fling Wide the Door...embracing all in Christ.” It is the goal of this campaign to bring our shared ministry initiatives to a reality for Emmanuel Academies, the Park, and Mooring Line Drive.
The team consists of:
Bruce Bergman: General Chair
Mark Heckler and Linda Cummings: Information Co-Chairs
Michael Puchalla and Julie Kerr: Inspiration Co-Chairs
Glen Gronlund: Response Chair
Lee Smith: Events Chair
Our wonderful Stewardship Team will continue to help with our short-term Annual Fund efforts as part of this campaign. We will gather in our Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 26th, as we do each year to hear about our upcoming annual ministry funding plan and to vote on its approval.
You will be learning about the projects of the campaign over the coming months. The campaign will not officially begin until February 19th with an Ice Cream Social Inspiration Event (more to come on this but mark your calendars). For those who would like to make an early gift to the campaign, to be counted toward a longer-term commitment, please contact Vivian at 239-261-0894 Ext. 311. Whatever you give this year will be added to your longer-term pledge that we will be seeking next year. Those of you who have IRS Required Minimum Distributions may appreciate the opportunity to provide an additional gift given this year.
The purpose of the “Fling Wide the Door” Campaign will be to live into the vision established for Emmanuel Park (on Oil Well Road), to provide stability and long-term funding for Emmanuel Academies (raising up pastors for the future), and to provide for tremendous hospitality and faith formation at Mooring Line Drive. More information is coming soon on all projects. With this campaign, we are living into the vision that we established for this congregation and our ministries years ago.