Education at Emmanuel
LECTIONARY PLUS: A review of the readings for Sunday and a word from the preacher about Sunday’s message.
This week’s readings:
Isaiah 6:1-8
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
SUNDAY FORUM: We will resume the Sunday Forum this Sunday, February 9, in the media center. Pastor Rick will be sharing his experience in Rwanda. Rev. Dr. Richard Bliese, Howard Isaacson and Rev. Dr. Clay Schmit said their visit with the Lutheran Church in Rwanda and with their students "could not have been better". They were struck by the collective impact of their work on the individual students, their lives and the contributions to their churches, communities and families.
There is tremendous appreciation for Emmanuel Academies giving of time, wisdom, effort and tools, and the returns are tremendous but intangible. They heard stories of the effects of Emmanuel Academies’ (EA) programs and they witnessed how lives are being changed by the Spirit-driven service and leadership of EA’s graduates and students. These impacts and outcomes are all facilitated by you and our Board of Directors.
While in Rwanda, Pastor Rick, Howard and Pastor Clay graduated 9 MDivs and 1 DMin, the Bishop Emeritus Mugabo.
Join us this Sunday to hear more about the work EA is doing in Rwanda and around the world.
BEYOND SUNDAY-Living & Learning our Faith: Pastor Rick and Deacon Jim have joined forces to bring a new learning experience to Sundays at 11:40 AM in the media center following the Blended Worship Service. Come join them this Sunday as they begin to explore Luthers’s Small Catechism - for Adults only.
ZOOM HAPPY HOUR: We will resume Zoom Happy Hour this Monday, February 10, at 4:00 PM. Click the link below to join in the discussion of Sunday’s sermon and Season 4, Episode 1 of The Chosen. Wine for this week is Tempranillo.
BIBLE STUDY - THURSDAYS AT 10:30 AM: We are excited to share that we had 30 people attend today’s introductory Bible Study on Luther’s Small Catechism. Join Pastor Rick next week as he delves deeper into his class on Luther’s Small Catechism. If you do not have a copy, you can get one in class or go to and you can follow the instructions to install the book to your iphone or android as an app. This week’s homework - look through the 10 Commandments, extra points if you memorize them! This class will help you use the catechism on a daily basis.
To help with your studies on Luther’s Small Catechism, Pastor Rick recommends the following books:
- Eighth-Day Discipleship by Richard H. Bliese (Foreword by John Arthur Nunes)
- Martin Luther's Catechisms: Forming the Faith by Timothy J. Wengert
- Praying The Catechism by Donald W. Johnson (Revised Edition)