Mooring Line Dr. Updates

SUNDAY FORUM: This Sunday we will resume the Sunday Forum. Pastor Rick will be sharing his experience in Rwanda. Rev. Dr. Richard Bliese, Howard Isaacson and Rev. Dr. Clay Schmit said their visit with the Lutheran Church in Rwanda and with their students "could not have been better".   They were struck by the collective impact of their work on the individual students, their lives and the contributions to their churches, communities and families. 


There is tremendous appreciation for Emmanuel Academies giving of time, wisdom, effort and tools, and the returns are tremendous but intangible. They heard stories of the effects of Emmanuel Academies’ (EA) programs and they witnessed how lives are being changed by the Spirit-driven service and leadership of EA’s graduates and students. These impacts and outcomes are all facilitated by you and our Board of Directors. 


While in Rwanda, Pastor Rick, Howard and Pastor Clay graduated 9 MDivs and 1 DMin, the Bishop Emeritus Mugabo.

Join us Sunday to hear more about the work EA is doing in Rwanda and around the world.

BRING A FRIEND SUNDAY: Please help us grow Emmanuel! It’s always better when we experience church together with friends and/or family. Let them know that you think they would really enjoy it. No pressure—just an open invite to come hang out, hear an encouraging message, and maybe grab some coffee and treats after the service.

This Sunday, the ushers will be handing out invitations that you may give to your friends during the week. Help us fill all the seats on February 16!

JOIN EMMANUEL’S BOOK CLUB: Our next meeting is this Monday, February 10 at 2 PM in Classroom 2. You can enter directly into this room through the door on the north side of the church building. (It’s best to park in the back parking lot.) We will be discussing the book, James, by Percival Everett.


March 10, 2025: Art Thief by Michael Finkel

April 14, 2025: Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown

NEW MEMBER CLASS: We would like to invite you to our New Member Class at Emmanuel Lutheran Church on February 20 at 4:00 PM and February 27 at 7:00 PM in the Media Center! It’s a great way to learn more about the church, meet new people, and see how you can get involved. No pressure—just a chance to explore and ask any questions you might have.

Let Gina know if you’re interested in attending: 239-262-0894 or Hope to see you there!

LAST WEEK WAS QUILT SUNDAY: The quilters' vibrant blankets were displayed in the sanctuary as we celebrated their year-round dedication to helping people stay warm across the world. Thank you for your generous contributions to support their efforts! Our 109 quilts are being delivered to Emmanuel in Venice tomorrow where a truck will pick them up to be delivered to Lutheran World Relief in Baltimore.

We have received enough donation money to pay our share for shipping costs plus enough to help with some of our production costs.

If you did not have a chance to donate towards this ministry, you may still give by dropping off your donation at the church office, drop into the mail or put into the offering plate. Thank you for supporting our quilters and the hard work these women do each week.


Emmanuel Park Updates


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