Emmanuel Park Updates
NEW MEMBER CLASS: We would like to invite you to our New Member Class at Emmanuel Lutheran Church on February 27 at 7:00 PM in the Media Center! It’s a great way to learn more about the church, meet new people, and see how you can get involved. No pressure—just a chance to explore and ask any questions you might have.
Let Gina know if you’re interested in attending: 239-262-0894 or Gina@NaplesEmmanuel.org. Hope to see you there!
BURYING THE ALLELUIAS: Next Sunday, March 2, Deacon Dee and the children will be burying the “Alleluias” for lent. It has been a tradition with the children at Emmanuel Park Church to bury their Alleluias the last Sunday before Lent begins.
Our children will place their Alleluias in a box and we will place them in a hole in the ground next to the pavilion. On Easter Sunday we will resurrect the Alleluias.
This tradition dates all the way back to the Middle Ages when a scroll containing the word was removed from the church. As tradition goes we will not sing or say Alleluia until Easter. There is no scriptural reference for this however we have chosen to abstain from this word of praise during the season of Lent. Lent is a somber time as we acknowledge our sins and look with great anticipation to the message of forgiveness and eternal life in the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter.
JOIN US FOR A BARBECUE AFTER SERVICE ON MARCH 2: Another tradition at Emmanuel Park Church are our barbeques. We try to have them several times a year. This year we have chosen March 2nd the last Sunday before Lent.
It will be our “Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday” meal. “Shrove” comes from the old English word “shriven” which means absolved of sins. The tradition of Lent has included abstaining from rich or fatty foods which is how Shrove Tuesday became know as Fat Tuesday, the day in which Christians disposed of their fat, butter and eggs in their homes which would spoil during the 40 days of Lenten fasting. Since they did not want the ingredients to go to waste, people would use them to cook feasts of high fat foods.
We invite you to join us for this feast!
ASHES TO GO: On Ash Wednesday, March 5, Emmanuel Park Church will offer the imposition of ashes to people in their cars. Stay tuned for more details next week!
If you would like to attend a worship service on Ash Wednesday, March 5, we have three services in our Sanctuary at 777 Mooring Line Drive. Service times are 11:00 AM and 5:30 PM. We also have a service at 7:00 PM in Spanish. We look forward to seeing you!